this poem is about sum1 who i deeply cared about...these feelings will still continue even if they don't return.....
How blue can I get, you could ask my heart. Just like a jugsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart. A million words couldn't say just how I feel. A million years from now, you know, I'll be loving you still. The nights are lonely, the days are so sad and I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had. And I'm missing you and nobody knows it but me
ha dear i think u failed in your heart choosing not in love ok be brave some one will be whaiting for your love to have it and give the same to u by the way my self is iam PRASHANTHN from Hyd : ok Iam doing job in COUNTRY VACATION Iam doing as TL their. ok if any feeling like to sahre with me hear is my No: 9346281080 or 9848688271 call me if you feel i can do any help to you ok a unknow friend whant to be known
oh no.am nt exactly a love failure.............i love sum1 .....n mah friend loves him too...but i dun't kno whom he loves.........but until i kno he doesn't like her...........
so i wrote all deze poems becoz diz is da condition for every1 in love.....
n by da way..........i dun't need ur no...am sry....n thanx for ur care bye!!
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