once upon a time.......sUmthing haPpened tO me....da sweeTest thIng thaT cOuld evEr be...a fAntAsy...a dReam dAt cAme tRue...iT wAz tHe maGic tHat cOuld mAke mE fEel tOtaLly diffeRent...
It wAz dA dAy mEt u.....
dAt dAy,,i wAz wOndEring whY starS wEre sTill sHinIng wEn i wAz cRyinG........
I wOndereD y bIrDs sTill cHirPed weN i wAz cRyinG....
whY da dAy sTilL paSses sO sooN wEn i wAz saD......
bUt i nEva realizeD tHat thE worLd wAz teLling mE tHat U R dEr fOr mE noW!